10 Awesome Drawings of Disney Characters With Their Pokemon Companions


Pop culture mashups have been increasing in popularity as of late, and it’s mashups like this that bring out the inner nostalgia in all of us. People love Pokemon, and people love Disney, so it was only a matter of time before some awesome artist came along and put the two together.

Belle & Ursaring

Belle & Ursaring

Jasmine & Pidgey

Jasmine & Pidgey

Stitch & Pikachu

Stitch & Pikachu

Tiana & Politoad

Tiana & Politoad

Merida & Teddiursa

Merida & Teddiursa

Vanellope & Jigglypuff

Vanellope & Jigglypuff

Simba & Shinx

Simba & Shinx

Cheshire Cat & Gengar


Ariel & Magikarp

Ariel & Magikarp

Peter Pan & Scraggy


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